National Homebrew Competition 2011.
By the way, I have been busy with my work even more after the rugby games started... (with watching them as well)
I remember getting bronze for my IPA for first time and that was actually my first homebrew ever. (what a luck)
I brewed at my friends' place who are now selling their beer as ParrotDog. They released their first beer this year that is known as Bitter Bitch IPA. (selling at my work and many other beer pubs in Wellington)
This year, I am entering 24 different beers. (A beer case!)
Yes, indeed. Carpet Bomb.
I had beer tasting of my homebrew with my friend and workmate on Sunday.
It was a good night. They liked my beers and I was surprised with some of them how my beer matured well.
Rye IPA, Brown Ale, ESB, Sauvin Oatmeal Stout,
American Wheat, Hoppy Wit, Motueka Golden
from the top.
We didn't taste all the 24 beers, but some of them. I kept 2, 3 bottles of each brews for entering competition and tasting before the competition.
Hoppy Wit, if you can remember, was a cool beer. My E.S.B tasted pretty good too.
I was happy about my Sauvin Oatmeal Stout the most. It lost that grassy character and now more, smooth, chocolaty, passion fruity - like chocolate smoothie with some fruits on the rim.
I can not wait to get the result back from NHC.
The entering time is during October and the judges will taste the beer in early November.
Before that I have Pacific Beer Expo coming up and will be busy for that.
I hope I can brew some beer more this month though.
...after the tasting